Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Research Assignment 4

Research Assignment 4

Q The goal of this assignment is to create the instruments you would use to conduct your study. As a reminder, we are not collecting data. Make sure the instruments measure all of your variables. Only work with the research method you have selected: survey research, experiment, focus groups OR interviews. Include a title page with the names of all team members who contributed to the assignment - one submission per team. - Include the entire questionnaire/moderator guide/interview schedule, at least 20 questions total. All questions you need to answer RQs/confirm hypotheses: 1) Demographic information - include all questions relevant to your study: what do you need to know about your participants? We do need to know some demographic characteristics regardless of your topic (age, gender, race/ethnicity). You'll need to add other demographic information questions depending on your research topic and which group of participants you would have (college students, parents, etc ... that depends on your topic and research goal). 2) Questions to measure all variables In surveys: for scales, one question is the entire scale, not one item. In other words, if you use a scale with 3 items, you have one question, not 3. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need help! (before the due date) PreviousNext

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